Archive for the tag: Google

Webinar: Get to Know All Products Available in the Google Marketing Platform

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Webinar: Get to Know All Products Available in the Google Marketing Platform

The Google Marketing Platform brings together advertising and analytics to help your enterprise make quality customer connections, surface deeper insights, and drive better marketing results.

In this webinar, learn:
– What products are available within the Google Marketing Platform
– Which products can help your organization’s marketing team now
– Which products may not be a fit for your team at this moment, but are worth future consideration
– Key differences between the basic (free) and 360 (enterprise-level) versions of some products
– How to work with a certified Google Marketing Platform Sales Partner

Want a copy of the slides? Grab them here!

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Learn about Google Marketing Platform, a unified solution for cross-channel marketing. It includes an integrated set of advertising and analytics products that let you manage the entire customer journey.
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Google Data Center 360° Tour

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Take a Google data center tour in 360° — brought to you by the Google Cloud Platform team.

Learn about the massive scale, the incredible attention to security and privacy, and the amazing efforts to make the data center extremely efficient and green.

How to view the 360° video:

Desktop using Google Chrome:
Use your mouse or trackpad to change your view while the video plays — highly recommend viewing in 4K

YouTube app on mobile:
Move your device around to look at all angles while the video plays

Google Cardboard:
Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in cardboard and enjoy. Cardboard is currently only supported by the YouTube app on Android. iOS support is coming soon!

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A quick video tour of our La Grande Roulotte Flexible layout
Perfect as a tiny home or luxury 2-4 berth accommodation.
Featuring a flexible layout with a fully equipped kitchen and plenty of storage
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Google Adwords Tutorial 2019 with Step by Step Walkthrough

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This video will be showing you the different steps in creating your first ad in Google AdWords. I will be walking you through the below five processes:
1.Keyword Research (8:09)
2. Setup a Campaign (10:39)
3. Setup an Adgroup (11:33)
4. Setup Adwords (13:53)
5. Advance Features (17:07)

Adwords Course:

First and foremost, you need to have a Gmail account. Sign up for one if you don’t have it yet. Once your account is set up, you can proceed to then click “Start Now.”

Keyword Research
This step involves figuring out what someone would type in Google to find your product and try to find keywords related to it. You can do this with the Google Keyword Planner, a free tool that Google gives you. In order to get access to this, you need to create your first ad.

Once done, go to Tools and then click Keyword Planner. If you already have a list of keywords and you just want to find the search volume and forecast of how many clicks, click on “Get search volume and forecast.” However, I recommend for beginners to find new keywords. Type in words that you think will be used in searching for your product in the search area and you will be shown the keywords. Repeat this process and find as many keywords as possible.

Setup a Campaign
Go to “All Campaigns”, click on the Plus (+) sign, then “New Campaign.” Click on “Search” for Search Ads. These are ads that come up when one searches on Google. Click on “Website Traffic” and at the bottom part , type in the URL of the website you want to send the traffic to. Type in the campaign name.

In setting up your campaign, below are some ways on how you can save some money:
Uncheck “Include Google search partners”
Uncheck “Include Google Display Network”
Only select locations which are suitable for you
For budget, you can start with /day for beginners. For delivery method, choose between Standard and Accelerated. Accelerated means Google will spend your budget as quickly as possible. Standard means that spending will happen within the course of the day.
Change the ad schedule

Setup an Adgroup
Adgroup are words that when people search in Google your ad will show for. There are different match types for your keywords: Broad match, Phrase match, and Exact match.
Broad match – In this match type, a person can type in anything they want and your ad will still show up. This match type lets Google create synonyms for you. For this, I recommend that you use Modified Broad match instead, which is putting a plus sign in front of the keyword, to save a lot of money.
Phrase match – Regardless if there are words before or after the keyword phrase, your ad will show up.
Exact match – Your ad will only show up if a person keys in the exact words. If there is anything added to it, your ad will not show up

Setup Adwords
You can search on Google and see what comes up with keywords. Below are also some tips for writing a good headline:
Include the keyword that you are targeting
Include a number if possible to make it standout from a bunch of texts
Talk about the benefit of your product

Ensure that you make good use of the description part. Remember that you will be paying every time someone clicks on it. The more clicks you get, the cheaper you will be paying for each click.

One tip that will also make you save a lot of money is to focus your campaign on computers. In my case, I find that computers have a much higher conversion rate. Click on a specific campaign and then “Devices.” For the other devices, click on decrease then 100%.

Advance Features
Adding negative keywords – If any of the words included in the negative keywords are included in someone’s search query, your ad will not show up. This is useful especially for broad match and phrase match types. Some common negative keywords include discount, target, walmart, amazing. You can also go to, type in the keywords and you can see other words that are added. From there, you can figure out which words are good and not.

Adding negative keyword list – You can group your negative keywords together and apply it to multiple campaigns.

Google Ads Editor – This software allows you to edit in bulk. If you are planning to upload a lot of campaigns and accounts, it is a great tool use instead of going through the campaigns manually.


Tools I recommend:
Sign up using one of the links below and I will give you a free 1 on 1 consultation
Video Rating: / 5

How Google Ads Work

You’ve probably heard of Google Ads and wonder how it works. I’ve been managing ads since 2009 and I find it exciting to share with you what it’s all about and how you can use it to benefit your business.

Watch and Enjoy!
John Crestani




👽 SNAPCHAT — @johnaffiliate

Video by Nate Woodbury
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Bing Ads vs. Google Ads – Why I Chose Bing Ads Over Google Adwords [VLOG 8]

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Bing Ads vs. Google Ads or Why I chose Bing ads over Google Adwords

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Here is an update of my Bing Ads + ClickBank product case study. I finally got all my ads and keywords approved.

I had 3 full days of having my ads up and running. The last day was the most successful. I had the highest CTR (click through rate) and the lowest CPC (cost per click). All thanks to optimization that I’ve been doing at the end of each day.

At this moment I haven’t done any sales yet. But I see a positive trend with CTR going up and CPC going down. As soon as I find those winners, I will then increase the budget.

As to why I chose Bing Ads over Google Ads, there are a few reasons.

Bing Ads are cheaper than Google Adwords.

And they are also more forgiving when it comes to delicate niches like health or dating.

That said, Google Ads have way higher search volume. So if you know what you are doing, then Google Adwords can be a lot more profitable.

Disclaimers: all opinions are my own. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.

#moneyisawesome #affiliatemarketing

SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019

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SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019

Are you new to SEO and want to rank #1 on google this upcoming year? Here are 3 SEO strategies that will boost your rankings!

#1: Focus on content
Google has this update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites who just have content on everything won’t do as well as sites which focus on one single niche and are super thorough.

You want to be VERY thorough with your SEO content. Poke holes in your content and fill them all up, so then that way people are like, “This is the end all site “that you should end up reading “if you’re interested in dating online.”

#2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description
Have you ever done a Google search, and noticed that every time you do it, there is this link at the top, and then there’s this one sentence with a link at the top is called the title tag.

And the description below is called the meta description.

Now think of it this way, if you search for the phrase online dating, and you don’t see the word online dating in neither the title or the description, are you going to click on the result?

Well if you are, there’s something wrong, because why would you click on a result that isn’t related to what you’re looking for?

In addition to that, have you ever searched for a term like online dating? And have you ever noticed that the word isn’t in the title or description?

That’s because Google tracks who’s clicking on what listing, and they’ve learned that when a keyword is in the listing, that same keyword that you’re searching for, they know you’re way more likely to click through.

So in your title tag and your meta description, make sure you include the keyword. But you can’t just add the keyword, “online dating,” right?

The easiest way and what I would do and I wish it was this simple; I will just put “online dating, online dating, online dating, online dating.”

If I could put it 20 times so people would know that the article is on online dating, I wish I would get more clicks.

But it’s not that simple.

Yes you have to include the keyword in your title and your description, but it has to be appealing. If it doesn’t flow in a sentence, it’s not easy to read, and it’s not appealing or evoking curiosity, no one is gonna click through.

#3: Use Google Search Console

Did you know that Google gives you a tool that teaches you how to rank number one on Google?

Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true, and it’s called Google Search Console.

If you’re not already a user of it, sign up.

It doesn’t cost a dollar. You’re missing out if you’re not using it.

I can’t emphasize that enough. So now that you’re using Google Search Console…give it a few days because it takes some time to populate data. You’ll see a screen that shows Search Analytics and this shows you all the pages on your website that are getting you traffic. But the cool thing about Google Search Console is they also show you which articles are getting impressions.

Take all the keywords you’re getting impressions for and start adding them to your copy.

Now we have an article on Instagram, and it teaches you how to get over 300 targeted Instagram followers per day.

The article is around 10,000 words. When I first wrote that article, it wasn’t 10,000 words, it was roughly 2,500.

I went to Google Search Console, I saw all the people that are searching for terms related to the article, I added them within that article. I made it more thorough and you know what?

My SEO traffic more than tripled to that article. Yes it is that simple. And when I made that change, it didn’t happen right away, but I noticed the results within 50 days. That’s not a long time.

Now that you’ve learned these three tips, I challenge you in which I want you to take these tactics and implement them, and then after you implement them, in the next 45 days I want you to leave a comment with your results. Because if you’re not doing well, that means I’m not happy.

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